= Kafka =
== Ссылки ==
[[https://kafka.apache.org/]] | [[https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart | Quickstart ]]
[[https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/kafka/authentication_ssl.html | Encrypt and Authenticate with TLS]]
[[https://medium.com/lydtech-consulting/securing-kafka-with-mutual-tls-and-acls-b235a077f3e3 | Securing Kafka with Mutual TLS and ACLs]]
== Установка и запуск ==
=== Один сервер ===
Скачиваем архив по ссылке [[ https://dlcdn.apache.org/kafka/ ]], например ''kafka_2.12-3.6.0.tgz'''.
{{{#!highlight bash
wget https://dlcdn.apache.org/kafka/3.6.0/kafka_2.12-3.6.0.tgz
tar -zxvf kafka_2.12-3.6.0.tgz
cp -r kafka_2.12-3.6.0 /usr/local/kafka
cd /usr/local/kafka
Запускаем и проверяем
{{{#!highlight bash
# --- zookeper service
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon config/zookeeper.properties
# --- kafka service
bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon config/server.properties
=== Несколько серверов ===
{{{#!wiki note
== REST Proxy ==
{{{#!wiki note